How to make OpenAPI generator typescript-axios support JavaScript

Sometimes there is a moment when you don’t want or cannot use the default OpenAPI generator preset, but you need to import your API library package in your JavaScript project.

I’m talking about typescript-axios preset that generates only TS files. It forces you to use babel or other transpiler.

JS-TS issue

I suppose you store npm package in npm repository (public or private like Nexus).

If you import your generated package it can cause an error in ES imports:

Failed to compile with 1 errors  

This dependency was not found:

* your-api-package in ./src/store/actions.js

To install it, you can run: npm install —save your-api-package

So you either have to add TS support or change building process.

npm publish runs npm run build as preinstall hooks. That gives you a dist folder with all necessary JavaScript code so such package can be used in both TS and JS projects.

Build template

But when you publish such package all you get is this basic *.ts files in root without dist.

All you need is to add to package.json these lines:

    'files': [

And then publish it.

But you cannot edit package.json every time you update your OpenAPI spec.

Consider you use Java stack and build all your libs with gradle. The secret is that you can override *.mustache templates that is used during code generation.

In this case you should copy and edit original template and place it in your gradle templates folder (i.e. .templates/libraries/TypeScriptAxios/package.mustache).

build.gradle example:

def rootClientTemplateDir = '$rootDir/templates/libraries/TypeScriptAxios'.toString()
tasks.register('generateClient', org.openapitools.generator.gradle.plugin.tasks.GenerateTask) {
    println 'Start generating client ${clientConf.artifactId}'
    inputSpec = clientConf.inputSpec
    def info = [
            version: extractVersion(clientConf.inputSpec)
    generatorName = clientConf.generatorName
    outputDir = clientOutputDir
    configOptions = clientConf.extendedConfiguration
    configOptions['npmName'] = clientConf.artifactId
    configOptions['npmVersion'] = '${info.version}'
    templateDir = rootClientTemplateDir