My name is Mikhail Ilin and I identify myself as a random stuff engineer. Most of the things I like are related to web technologies, music or design. My GitHub, Twitter and LinkedIn
Audio Snoop: Monitor Input Live Online Web App
Stuff ·I got myself an electric guitar and an amp for it six months ago. But I don’t want to make a lot of noise, so I didn’t bother with a combo and a head, I just turn on my headphones or more often I play on the built-in speakers. It’s enough for me to play for fun.
The story of Lopaka: How I made Graphics Editor for Arduino, ESP32, FlipperZero
General ·Let me tell the story of the creation of my pet project.
Lopaka - Embedded graphics designer and code generator tool
General ·The problem: it is tiring to create a beautiful interface for electronic devices.
From Grozny to Lisbon: My Unbelievable Journey of Reinvention and the Power of Pure Luck!
General ·I was born in Grozny (Chechnya, USSR by the way) and in the first year of my life, I was moved to the far north, where I lived until I was 12 years old. Then I was moved to the Volgograd region, where I lived until I was 24 years old.
Pomodoro timer for Flipper Zero!
General ·Flipper Zero is a portable Tamagotchi-like multi-functional device. I follow this project since the idea appeared in Pavel’s mind. We had a good time working together on it’s web presence at the very early stage. As soon as they announced the user apps feature I started to develop ideas of such applications. This app is made to make it easier to follow the Pomodoro time management method.
The most underestimated gaming platform?
General ·I believe nobody knows how astonishing browser games can be and how many advantages it has. Engineers at Evolution are focused on creating the most accessible and immersive experience for our players using Web technologies! Today I will show you why I think it is underestimated and what cool things you can do in browser.
How to remove Samsung (or any other phone) wallpaper
General ·There is only one way to remove or delete the default wallpaper on your Samsung Galaxy Android phone or any other iPhone: using blank 1 pixel PNG file
HTML select with options blows up the fieldset
General ·It happens when the content of select option is longer than select input width and therefor it resizes the fieldset.
How to make OpenAPI generator typescript-axios support JavaScript
General ·Sometimes there is a moment when you don’t want or cannot use the default OpenAPI generator preset, but you need to import your API library package in your JavaScript project.